Before we deliver your turf, we advise preparing the ground, so that the turf can be laid as quickly as possible after delivery.
In order to prepare the ground, you will need the following tools:
• Sharp Spade
• Rotovator
• Rake
• Wheelbarrow
• Half Moon Edger (or sharp knife)
• Boards
If your existing lawn is full of moss or weeds, the best method to renew your lawn is to strip off the existing grass and replace with new turf. This can be done in different ways:
Spray your grass with Weedkiller (always follow manufacturers instructions) then use a sharp spade and cut under the grass until the whole lawn is removed or alternatively use an automatic Turf Cutting Machine to cut off the top layer of your lawn. This is more accurate and faster if you have a large lawn.
Once this has been done, spread a layer of sand to level the garden, which will leave you with a top soiled garden. This is easy to prepare if weed free, but if not, we recommend spraying weedkiller over the area before continuing. Weed killer can be purchased from garden centres and supermarkets, but please ensure that the manufacturer’s instructions are followed carefully.
Ground preparation is now underway. This preparation is vital to the future of your new lawn, as inadequately prepared ground will yield poor results. The soil needs to be turned over using using a spade or rotovater, to a depth of 15cm, this will ensure that all of the nutrients are brought to the top and will facilitate rooting of the turf. The area on which the turf is to be laid should be free of any kind of debris such as stones, weeds and old turf.
A pre-tufing fertilizer should be applied and raked into the soil. The ground should be raked over to produce a smooth surface. At this stage the ground may be lightly rolled or firmed by foot to reveal any soft areas which can then be raked level. This process should be carried out until the ground is evenly firm and smooth. At this point you may find weather conditions do not allow you to rake the soil evenly, we recommend that you spread a 25mm sand base over the area to help you achieve correct levels and this application can also help with drainage directly below the turf. See Other Products for details on sand, soil, peat, compost etc.
When laying the turf, start by using one strip of turf around the outside of the lawn. Avoid using small strips at the edges as these may dry out and perish. Turf can be shaped to follow gently curved borders. Lay the first row along the longest straight line and work across the lawn, staggering the joints in each row (ie. like brickwork). Butt and push the edges and ends against each other but do not stretch the turf. Use a sharp knife or half-moon spade to cut the end of a row.
Avoid walking on the newly laid turf – boards should be placed down for working and walking on if possible. This will also ensure that the turf has full contact with the soil.
We welcome enquiries within Glasgow and throughout central Scotland. For more information on any of our turf products, top soil, forest bark or decorative stone please contact us on 0141 848 6660, e-mail us at or fill out our Enquiry Form or On-line Pricing Form.